This post is just going to be a bunch of rambling because, well, I need to get some things off of my chest.
I have been completely MIA from my blog lately and it makes me really sad. I don't know what it is (although I am blaming pregnancy hormones), but I'm just unmotivated and uninspired to do my "Mommy keepsake duties". On Hudson's 2nd birthday, I sat on the couch after he went to bed, with my laptop, fully intending to write a nice post like I did on his first birthday. But the words just wouldn't come to me. I was having a hard time recalling the past year, struggling to write anything backed with emotion. So I gave up and haven't been back since. And now I'm here today to try to ease some of my guilt and hopefully blog forward.
One of my biggest fears in life (right under losing Ryan or Hudson) is regret. Sometimes it actually consumes me. It's what kept me going through all of the journals, keepsakes, pictures, etc of Hudson's life. But once I got pregnant, alot of that began to slip. I haven't been documenting what Hudson has been up to and I'm so afraid of regretting this in the future. I have very few videos of him. I stopped keeping up with his baby book sometime last spring. I can barely keep up with this blog. What's even worse, is that baby #2 has gotten an even worse deal. I don't think I've written in my pregnancy journal for about 3-4 months. Again, it saddens me so much to think about looking back to this time period and not having anything documented - from the superficial stuff like my weight gain (although I'm not sure I want to remember that!) to the emotional aspect of my thoughts and feelings about this pregnancy. Yet it's not enough to kick me in the butt and actually do it. I've found that what used to be enjoyable has now turned into a burden for me. Maybe it's the hormones, maybe it's the lack of sleep, maybe it's the 1000 other things on my daily to do list. Whatever it is, I hope it leaves soon.
Sorry for the long rant. If you got this far, thanks for listening. I've been feeling a bit down about things lately (which is very odd since I have so many blessings in my life and everything is going really well). I'm just starting to panic about having two kids, worrying that Hudson's life is going to change so much. I was feeding him last night and just started to cry thinking about how much I'll miss all of our one-on-one time. Oh great, here come the waterworks again. I keep reminding myself that he's going to love being a big brother and that his life is only going to change for the better, but I just can't help but think there are going to be times that he's going to miss his alone time with Mommy and Daddy.
Okay, I'm a blubbering mess now. Hopefully writing this post is cathartic which was my goal. I thought maybe if I put this all out there, that I could move on and post something fun, like pics of Hudson's birthday or our last trip to Pittsburgh. These feelings have been weighing on me for a while now and I'm having a difficult time trying to process everything. Praying that things start to get better.
12 years ago
Big hugs to you sweetie! I think a lot of the same things about not documenting things enough for Corinne, and I'm not pregnant with a second baby! But I also tell myself that while I am not busy documenting this and that, I'm busy living life - a good life with my husband and child. That is just as important, and what you are doing daily is the foundation for a loving & supportive life for Hudson. Actions speak louder than words. Go easy on yourself! Our expectations of ourselves are well meaning but too high.
Oh Jen, I'm tearing up over here! While I clearly don't have first hand experience in any of this, it seems like everything you are feeling is so normal. I have heard similar thoughts from many mothers...especially as they are contemplating what life will be like with two wonderful children :) And I completely understand your thoughts about being filled with regret for not doing certain things...I am the same way. I think we need to focus on all of the good things we do, like what an incredible wife and mother you are. That isn't going to change one bit if you find yourself not able to document everything you feel like you should. The things that Hudson, and his sibling, are going to remember are the things that they remember doing with you, and the stories of them that you bring to life by verbally sharing with them. ((((Hugs)))
Hugs to you, Jenn! You are a wonderful mother to Hudson and you are going to be a wonderful one to his sibling too. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you write down every single thing or blog about it or facebook about it...what matters is that you were there for it, that's what your kids will remember!
Honey I think it's the hormones. You will be a wonderful mother of 2 and Hudson will NEVER feel like he has missed anything...because you didn't document it. Don't undestimate yourself!!!! It will be fine..There will always be alone time for you and Hudson, even if it's an hour a day...Just keep him involved in everything with the new baby. He'll be fine..or if he needs alone time send him home to Grami, I'll spend alot of time with him...
Love you Baby Girl, just hang in there only a few more weeks to go..
First CONGRATS!!!! I am soooo happy for you guys and your little GIRL addition to the fam:) I love reading your posts! Like the others said, you are there for Hudson and he enjoys his time with you and that means more to him than you writing down every detail of what he is doing! You are an amazing mother and know you will be the same to your daugther:) I remember reading the post that moms of 2 kids said, Hudson will love being a big brother and you will love seeing them be together!
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