Monday, June 1, 2009

More updates

Since I was in catch-up mode for my last post, I knew that I would forget tons of adorable things that Hudson does. So, here's a post of things I forgot....

  • More words: After listening to Hudson this weekend, I realized I forgot a ton of words. Gone (like if his juice box is empty or if a helicopter flies out of sight), cheese, cracker (which might also mean cookie), blocks, hat, help, bird, duck, eyes, nose, mouth, dog....I'm sure there are even more that I'm forgetting right now.
  • In addition to those words, he also signs: all done, more, car, train, cracker, grapes, bath, banana, cheese, bird, and sorry (but he only does that one if prompted)
  • He gives kisses and it's the cutest thing ever. You just ask for a kiss and he delivers!
  • He knows alot of his body parts. He'll point to: nose, eyes, ears, head, tongue (he sticks it out), belly, and knees (if he has long pants on, he has to pull them up in order to show you his knees).
  • If he hears people on TV clapping or cheering, he starts to clap too.
  • He REALLY wants to be able to jump. He keeps trying and trying, but his feet have yet to come off of the ground.
I'm sure there will be many follow-up posts to this since I can't keep up with his development!

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