On Friday morning, I took him upstairs so that I could get dressed and he got into my perfumes. He smelled like a mixture of every scent possible. Then he refused to take his morning nap which is when I usually make breakfast and have coffee. Since he didn't want to sleep, I had to go out on a limb and focus on cooking and not on Hayes. This is what happens:
Hayes decided to get the party started a little early and dump a full bottle of vodka on his feet and the floor. The mixture of the perfume and the vodka now made Hayes smell like he was working the late shift at the Hustler club.
Yes, Hayes. I was looking longingly at the bottle at this point as well. It was 9:40am.
So, I started to clean up the vodka, leaving Hayes unattended once again. As I threw away the last paper towel, I started to look for him and couldn't find him. Because he decided to go INSIDE of my coat closet.
I did a better job of monitoring him until that dreaded moment came: I had to go to the bathroom. I'm always stuck in a conundrum here, weighing my options. Do I bring him in the bathroom with me, knowing that he will take the plunger, wave it around the room, throw a tantrum when I take it away, then get up and climb onto the stool in front of the sink to grab and squeeze toothpaste? Or do I just leave the door open and hope for the best? I opted for #2. It got really quiet.....
He found a pacifier and climbed up the steps onto Hudson's bed. I could not believe it and told him "no Hayes, it's not safe to go up there!!!". He smiled and crouched down on the bed, so that I couldn't see him. "No", now that the meaning is understood, has started to elicit that type of response - let me look really cute and sorta hide so she can't be mad at me.
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