I'm getting ready to write a post about our trip to San Fran, but I'm waiting for the 720 pictures to download (yes, we were only gone for one week). So I thought I'd take a minute to update on the kids' development. This is my way of tracking the things they're doing since I no longer have a baby book for Hudson. So I guess this post is more for me than you :)
-This kid's memory blows our minds! He knows his ABCs now and loves to sing them over and over and over. He also randomly broke out in a store last week with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. His version is pretty cute "twinkle, twinkle, star. How wonder what are. Up above sky high. Like diamond in sky." We definitely have to get this on film.
- He likes to tell you everyone's name. If you ask him his name, he says "Name, Hudson James Prichard" and then continues with "Name, Hadley Grace Prichard. Name, Mommy Prichard. Name, Daddy Prichard." He had a hard time saying his nanny's last name (Bissally) so when you ask him Joyce's name he says "Name, Joycey Bussy, ahahahah!" (He covers his mouth and laughs since he knows he's not saying it correctly.). Lately he's been saying "Name, Joycey Bussy. Name, Joycey SALLY!"
-He LOVES jigsaw puzzles and is a master at them.
-He's been into a few dinosaur books. His transportation books are still his favorites and he loves to tell you which is the "single propeller passenger airplane" and which is the "microlite". Some other favorites from those books are the "4 wheel drive", "combine harvester", and "airport fuel tanker".
-Joyce once told him that a tanker truck outside of our house was going to pick up gas, so every tanker, bus, or airplane he sees, he tells you "Tanker truck/bus/airplane pick up gas".
-When he can't get someone's attention, he resorts to calling them by their names. So far, he's called for "Ryan" (and he does that often), "Reuben" (aka Pop Pop), and "Jack" (aka Pappy).
-He continues to be lovey and affectionate - always giving be hugs and kisses :)
-She is just the happiest baby ever! As soon as she wakes up, she glows with the biggest smiles you can imagine (made all the cuter with her huge chubby cheeks).
-She cuddles next to me all night and with sleep the entire night. We haven't made the transition to the crib yet, but I'm enjoying all of the snuggles!
-She recently started to giggle out loud. Her biggest bout of giggles came while she was looking at Mom Mom when we were riding to our hotel from the airport in San Francisco.
-She has learned how to blow bubbles. This may be a side effect from her new drool machine status. She also sucks on her hands so we may have some impending teeth (though nothing is visible yet).
-She's a girl who knows what she wants! Hudson never turned away a chance to nurse, but if I try to force it on Hadley (like when we're flying and I'm trying to make sure her ears pop), she throws a bit of a fit.
-She gasps for air and acts as though she can't breathe when you wipe her face or put her shirt on. And then come the tears. Like I said, she knows what she does (and doesn't!) want!
Okay, off to go through these pictures. SF post coming shortly.....
12 years ago